
Things I care about… you're reading this so I assume you do too…

Heartbreak, can blogging help me vent the hurt?

I’ve never had to deal with it until recently. I wouldn’t say I’m an emotional person at all, the past few weeks (well, tonight in fact) I’ve cried more than I have in years

That horrible sinking feeling when you hear news you don’t want to know. She’s with somebody else. It literally makes you feel sick, I know that’s cliche but it actually made me feel physically sick. I can’t stop thinking about her, I think i always harboured thoughts in the back of my mind that somehow, someway it would work out but tonight has been a cold stab in my chest. Reality hit me that it is over.

I wasn’t an angel, but I wasn’t a devil either. I never really got answers apart from “it had just ran its course” and I was completely oblivious to this. I saw her out a few weeks ago, we hadn’t seen each other since the split and she had lads all over her all night, it literally broke my heart the fact she would even entertain conversation with other men whilst I was in the same bar.

I’ve sent numerous apology texts, flowers, tried to work things out and in retaliation I was foolish made stupid threats that I regret which I’d never do anyway (pictures/videos etc, I’m sure we’ve all been there).

I’ve told my friends I’m in a bad place and they’re there for me, but I don’t they know the severity of how I’m feeling. I want to tell my Mum and let her tell me everything will be sound but I’m too embarressed to even do that. In retaliation to my stupid threats I received phonecalls from her Mum and sister, completely understandable as well I should point out. I’d really upset members of her family with my selfish threats and for that I’m ashamed of myself because they have been nothing but good to me over our two year relationship. 

I’ve had one mate who has particually helped me , so if you ever read this. Nice one mate….

I was reading through a load of quotes before and I quited like this one so I’ll finish off with it

“You had me at hello, and lost me at goodbye. And everything in between, I guess it was a lie”

An introduction – and the Ryback debate

I’ve given in and decided to be like everyone else with their own individual opinions and become a blogger.

I have no idea how long this will last for, or if this will be success but I plan to write about things that interest me – I feel like writing can be interpreted in a number of different ways. You might find me funny or  you might absolutely hate what I write.

I’m a 21 year old male from the UK, and that’s all you’re getting for now.

I’ve been a huge WWE fan my whole life, and my whole life it has always infuriated me how the WWE ‘drop the ball’ on a number of wrestlers.

Now, leading up to HIAC on Sunday I have absolutely no idea how they are going to end the Ryback/Punk match. The past few months the WWE have quietly but effectively built Rybacks character up, and now the past few weeks he has got SO over with the fans. The whole ‘feed me more’ thing is also stupidly over, though I would question the actual phrase as if Ryback will be as popular as it seems how would ‘feed me more’ merch go over with traditionally larger US fans? Not that it matters, just a thought.

I cannot see how they can let Ryback not win the title at HIAC or months of hard work is ruined in 20 minutes. Along with this Punk has had a lengthy title run and has shown that he is ‘scared’ of Ryback. Also, remember who the number 1 contender is at the rumble… and remember who left the number 1 contender on his back at Raw 1000….

Punk/Rock would be a great match, but the likelihood of Punk actually retaining is looking slim. The only way out I can see is for Lesnar to return to help Punk, but I feel that the WWE are saving him for a rematch with HHH.

I cannot wait to see this anyway, speak to you on monday!

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